in-engine cutscenes
Before I undertook this endeavor to make a blog, I considered many different hobbies and undertakings, including:
Dogs are great. You can take them for a walk, throw things at them, or use them to ring in the new year. They smell bad when they get wet but the look of joy on their faces makes up for it. Ultimately I didn't want to have to decide whether to get it stuffed when the dog died, so I said to hell with it.
Here is a picture of the log I was considering adopting. His name is Timmy and has you can see, he needs help very badly. There are hundreds of needy logs just like Timmy all over the world that will turn into dirt if we don't step in. However, when I met Timmy I accidentally stepped on him and broke off his face, so I said to hell with it.
I already have a large pog collection in my closet at home, including some pretty good slammers and a custom pog-making machine that automatically cuts a circle out of any picture and glues it to a blank pog. While they were quite fun to collect when I was 12, they are no longer popular and the actual game they are used to play is both boring and depressing. Therefore I opted against taking up pogs again.
Rubber Stamps
Rubber stamps??? Boring.