change my pitch up, smack my bitch up (like a pimp)
I like writing the post titles better than the actual body of the post.
I can't think of anything good today (or for the past two weeks, apparently) so I will just steal an idea from Stephen Colbert (with whom I feel I have an instant rapport (if that joke went over your head, it's because it's well above the earth's atmosphere in a geosynchronous orbit (and it wasn't even very funny))).
On Notice:
Dust mites
George Bush (the old one)
The western hemisphere
Mary Tyler Moore
The electric chair
Pope John Paul II
Dead to Me:
People from the 19th century
Jack Johnson
Big League Chew
Dr. Seuss (actually he's dead to everyone)
Titanium alloys
Whoever keeps stealing my newspaper
Drawn Together
Well that wasn't a very good post. Oh well, better luck next time.